Friday, May 24, 2013

Lawn in Progress

One of our customers recently sent the following e-mail and pictures.  We're so glad she shared her success story with us and sincerely appreciate the feedback.  Her lawn is still a work in progress, but showing great improvement. 

" I just need you and the rest of the fabulous team at King Green to see what a difference you've made in our yard! It's been wonderful, we couldn't be happier, and you've only put down 2 applications so far.
The first 3 pictures are the "before".
The 4th and 5th pictures are the "afters" that I took this morning.
The 6th (last) pic is the dividing line between our house and our neighbors. We are on the right side, they are on the left. It's a HUGE difference!!
We've actually had neighbors stop by to tell us how much better our yard is looking and you know we're spreading the word! The $25 off for referring a friend word! Because I'm so pleased with the results, I'm going to include a blog entry on King Green. Thank you for giving us our grass back!!
The McEvers"


Monday, May 20, 2013

After the Renovation

Because of my delay in posting this entry, it's already time for us to switch out the perennials in front!  None the less, it looks great and I'm happy with our project. 

It's hard to see the area to the left of the door because of the shadow, but it looks nice.  We installed a pencil holly and put some pansies in front.  The azaleas along the front just dropped their blooms. 

Unbeknownst to us, some bulbs came were planted in the past and the middle of our raised bed of pansies has some unexpected guests!