Friday, August 30, 2013

Day Out at Atlanta Motorsports Park

Last week,  Charlie and Jennifer King had the pleasure of touring the Atlanta Motorsports Park with Clint Waltz, Associate Professor and Turfgrass Extension Specialist at the University of Georgia.  The motorsports park is fairly new and we are working on getting the turf in shape.  Mr. Waltz, along with Charlie and Jennifer, rode the track and took multiple soil samples to gauge what nutrients the turf needs in order to improve.  Once the work was done, it was time to play!  Jason, of Atlanta Motorsports Park, took Clint for a couple of laps around the track in a race car.  We appreciate Mr. Clint Waltz taking the time to meet with us and the hospitality provided by Jason of Atlanta Motorsports Park.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Top Dressing

King Green offers top dressing for warm season turf (bermuda and zoysia) during the summer months.  One of our customers took the following pictures of Chad and Eddie topdressing her lawn.  These are great shots, thank you Mrs. Vycital!